Into every life, a little pain must fall…good thing there is a remedy for that.

  1. Arnica montana: The gateway homeopathic remedy–for shock and trauma.  Arnica is often used for pain which feels bruised and achy. It calms inflammation and expedites the healing process. An indispensable addition to your medicine cabinet, it can be used after any accident, and alongside other more specific remedies.
  2. Hypericum perforatum: Known for its effectiveness in treating nerve pain, especially sharp, shooting pains and injuries to nerve-rich areas like fingers, toes, and the spine.
  3. Rhus toxicodendron: Helpful for pain from overuse and inflammation. The person feels a need to stretch and move about (restless). Pain is worse after being still for a long time and the stiffness eases with moving about, until the feeling of overuse sets in again. Better for warmth and warm bathing.
  4. Bryonia alba: For pain that worsens with movement (vs. Rhus tox) and improves with rest. Commonly used for headaches, joint pain, and chest pain from conditions like pleurisy.  The person wants to lie completely still.
  5. Ruta graveolens: Used for pain from injury or overuse of tendons and ligaments, and injuries to the periosteum (surface of bones, such as a black eye).  The pain is worse for cold and there can be pronounced stiffness.
  6. Belladonna: Indicated for sudden, intense pain with throbbing or burning sensations, often accompanied by redness and heat. It’s used for headaches, migraines, and neuralgias.
  7. Chamomilla: Effective for pain accompanied by irritability.  Often used for teething pain in children and for conditions with severe nerve pain.  The person is ill-humoured.
  8. Magnesia phosphorica: Known for its ability to relieve cramping and spasmodic pains, which are better for warmth. This remedy is often used for menstrual cramps, muscle spasms, and neuralgic pains.
  9. Colocynthis: Used for colicky, cramping, abdominal pain that is relieved by pressure or bending over and holding the abdomen. It’s often indicated for gastrointestinal spasms and neuralgic pains.
  10. Ledum palustre: Helpful for puncture wounds but also has a particular affinity for the feet and ankles. The pain feels cold but is relieved by cold applications. It’s often used for conditions like rheumatism and insect bites. 

When selecting a homeopathic remedy for pain, it’s important to match the specific symptoms and overall condition of the individual. Consulting with a qualified homeopath can ensure the appropriate remedy is chosen and used safely and effectively.